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WASAI and Intel: To create a comprehensive FPGA ecosystem: accelerating a smart and connected world

TAIPEI, TAIWAN, Nov. 30, 2020 – This past November 18th - 20th, Intel held their online summit Intel FPGA Technology Day (IFTD). It was an event that showcased a variety of keynote speakers who attended the virtual summit to talk about the revolutionary work that is being done with FPGA technology. We are so proud that we were able to take part in this truly important summit as a host of one of the panels. Intel FPGA Technology Day 2020 is a free virtual event about the latest FPGA technology and all sorts of applications including Big Data, AI, and Genomics. WASAI is honoured to participate in this event and share insights in data analytics accelerated solutions.

WASAI Tech is a proud partner with Intel, a company at the forefront of innovation in the fields of FPGA technology and cloud computing as well as many other computational fields. At this summit, our speech was titled “The Need for Speed and Beyond: To Tackle Accelerated Computing Challenges in a Big Data Booming Era.” It centred on introducing two solutions for the different applications of how FPGAs can assist in high-performance data computing. With the first solution being WASAI’s Lighting product for Genomic sequencing, which is powered by our very own AI and Bioinformatic algorithms and data chips. Second, WASAI introduces the solution to accelerate the processing of vehicle data with our FPGA accelerator in specialized computing nodes using Apache Spark- providing triple the speed and 200% of power-efficiency increase.

We use FPGA technology in our own product, WASAI Lightning because of the numerous benefits that it provides our customers with. As an Intel FPGA partner, we have the privilege of working with this technology first hand to see how much of an impact it has on the field of genomics analysis. But it really does not stop there. FPGA technology has a vast array of applications due to its reconfigurable nature. And due to our specialization and expertise of the use of FPGAs, we are able to produce results that are comparable to that of high performance computers.

Fields like genomics require massive amounts of data to be analyzed and stored on demand. Intel cloud servers using FPGA technology meet those demands perfectly. Many fields have the same challenges. The more that technology in computing expands, the more the need for rapid and large scale data storage does. We are truly living in a big data boom. Companies and regular individuals all experience the need for fast and reliable data storage and Intel is truly prepared to handle those challenges for their users. In addition, with WASAI’s innovative solutions, we can reach our global mission to improve high performance data computing and big data analyses with our FPGA accelerators.

Lastly, Calvin Hung, the CEO of WASAI Technology, had the following remarks to say for the IFTD event: “IFTD is a great technological event and one of the most essential FPGA-related annual summits in the world. WASAI has been participating in this event on-site regionally in Tokyo and in Taipei since 2016. Even with the pressure of the global pandemic, we still diligently worked with Intel to provide our solution to help customers ‘dig the gold out of their data’ faster and in a more economic manner - while broadcasting this information free of charge through this virtual event to raise awareness of how WASAI can help. Greatly focusing on our accelerated genomics solution, we can aid the current revolution of the study of genomics, clinical diagnosis and pave the road to better drug developments”

About WASAI Technology Inc.

WASAI Technology's mission is to deliver acceleration technologies of High-Performance Data Analysis (HPDA) in future data centers for targeted vertical applications with massive volumes and high velocities of scientific data. To strengthen and advance scientific discovery and technological research via big data-intensive acceleration in high-performance computing, WASAI Technology aims to improve commercialization and commoditization of scientific and technological applications.



WASAI Tecnology Inc.

4F, No. 6, Zhiyuan 3rd Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei 112025, Taiwan

WASAI Technology Inc. specializes in Big Data acceleration platforms, provides expert patented solutions to key problems for large data centers with both high quality and performance.

Founded in 2015.

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4F, No. 6, Zhiyuan 3rd Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei 112025, Taiwan 



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