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Spark + AI Summit 2020: WASAI Talks on Optimizing Spark Performance with Apache Arrow and Intel FPGA

TAIPEI, TAIWAN, Jul. 31, 2020 – WASAI Technology gave a talk at Spark+AI Summit 2020 in the last month. The organizer, Databricks, mentioned that this very first online virtual activity drawing about 60,000 professionals around the world to participate. CEO of WASAI, Calvin Hung and a senior engineer of Intel Wei-Ting Lin demonstrated the result of “Accelerating Spark SQL workloads to 50x performance with Apache arrow-based FPGA acceleration” at 6:40 am June 24, 2020, Taipei time.

While in speech, Calvin pointed out that ” Spark SQL essentially processes structured row-based dataset at once with single query of a bunch of SQL operators. The operators can be simple while the dataset could be extremely large. FPGA with highly specialized IPs can deal with such multiple-instruction, single-dataset analysis faster, more power- and resource-efficient than CPU and GPU do under the same total-cost-of-ownership. ”

WASAI Technology and Intel work closely on leveling up the performance of Spark. The end target is to provide end-to-end columnar data processing with FPGA integration and acceleration to avoid heavy CPU-intensive operations. Wei-Ting Chen, the senior engineer of Intel, mentioned that Intel also provides Spark Optimized Analytics Packages Native SQL Engine, and will collaborate with WASAI on developing FPGA-accelerated OAP Native SQL Engine for Spark.

To see the full video:

About WASAI Technology Inc.

WASAI Technology's mission is to deliver acceleration technologies of High-Performance Data Analysis (HPDA) in future data centers for targeted vertical applications with massive volumes and high velocities of scientific data. To strengthen and advance scientific discovery and technological research via big data-intensive acceleration in high-performance computing, WASAI Technology aims to improve commercialization and commoditization of scientific and technological applications.


WASAI Tecnology Inc.

4F, No. 6, Zhiyuan 3rd Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei 112025, Taiwan

WASAI Technology Inc. specializes in Big Data acceleration platforms, provides expert patented solutions to key problems for large data centers with both high quality and performance.

Founded in 2015.

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