TAIPEI, TAIWAN, Oct. 30, 2020 – This past October 14th, we were proud to be able to participate in the Garage+ “ Meet the Future” Exhibition, driving growth in the time of crisis and to exhibit with other startup teams. The 5 hours event attracted nearly 400 business partners and investors to explore future collaboration opportunities.

Due to the unique challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we were very grateful to have the opportunity to be able to participate in such a vital convention here, at our home in Taiwan. Despite all the uncertainty that COVID-19 has created, there is an element of pride that we feel in seeing our home country strive to organize events that have the potential to truly benefit the world in the future; we were truly glad to be a part of this exhibition.

Thank you to everyone who participated! We hope to continue to pave towards great future endeavors through the invaluable connections that were made at this event!
About WASAI Technology Inc.
WASAI Technology's mission is to deliver acceleration technologies of High-Performance Data Analysis (HPDA) in future data centers for targeted vertical applications with massive volumes and high velocities of scientific data. To strengthen and advance scientific discovery and technological research via big data-intensive acceleration in high-performance computing, WASAI Technology aims to improve commercialization and commoditization of scientific and technological applications.